
 Acadia GEM is PERFECT for you! 

Trust us - your RV is NOT the best way to get around Bar Harbor or Acadia.  Our GEM vehicles are compact, fun to drive, and much easier to maneuver. If you are staying at any of the amazing campgrounds around Bar Harbor they are all on roads with speed limits above 35 MPH, and our GEM’s are not allowed on those roads. Of course you don’t want to have to disconnect your RV once you are settled in to visit Bar Harbor or Acadia. Not only are large vehicles difficult to maneuver around Bar Harbor there is very limited parking and it is usually full. That’s why we recommend taking advantage of the Island Explorer system. The Island Explorer provides a FREE shuttle service into Bar Harbor, and in 2024 they will operate beginning June 23 – October 14.  Most campground have Island Explorer pick-up service twice an hour.  Click HERE for the Island Explorer schedule 

The Island Explorer drops you off adjacent to our facility. An easy walk from the Explorer drop off. (see map) Once you arrive at our facility, it’s as easy as picking up your GEM, and having the freedom to explore Bar Harbor and Acadia with ease.

We provide free in Town parking for your rental and will charge it for you overnight so it is ready the next day.